The root of compassion

November 15, 2017

We hold the entire world in our hands.

The vision of oneness naturally leads to compassionate action and service of humanity
because we see the pain and joy of others as our own.  Just as we are instinctively
inclined to care for our own body when it is injured, so one who is awake cannot
resist caring for others. —Ellen Grace O’Brian

When we act out of self-interest alone, we aren’t recognizing that we are all one. It’s when we see our connection with others, all others, that we access the root of compassion. That idea that what we do for one we do for all.

Once we get the interconnection of all beings, get it at our very core, then caring for others is automatic, as natural as drawing breath. We simply can not turn a blind eye to the pain of others because it is our pain, too.

root of compassion If only we awakened to and acted on the fact that each of us holds the entire world in our hands. What we do matters. A lot.

I wrote earlier about the Generosity Revolution I’ve seen online, a great example of people who have awakened to the oneness of life. I’ve also said many times that the hallmark of progressive politics is the idea of caring for others. And of my belief that the other side acts mostly out of self-interest, without recognition of our interconnection.

I’m sitting in Santa Fe on what, for most women my age, would be a vacation. But for me, it’s a work day. A work month. A working trip. Because I decided to devote this next part of my life, my so-called “retirement” years, to supporting others during difficult times.

But you don’t have to go that far to make a difference. Every single action we take can either act on our oneness or act on our separation. Every day we have a choice.

I’d love to hear about your choice in the comments, below. If you’d like to see my choice, visit A Healing Spirit, my business. And lots of things are on sale, so hope you’ll do some holiday shopping while there!



13 comments on “The root of compassion
  1. Carol, your post on #WonderfulWednesday came at a perfect moment for me. I am just coming to the end of a 100 days of loving kindness challenge. For the past 96 days I have focused at least a portion of my meditation on loving kindness. I have adopted mantras for reminding myself throughout the day that we are one, that the person I am interacting with is just like me, trying to find happiness, trying to avoid suffering, and often struggling to do so. I have also focused on regularly committing, and acknowledging, acts of kindness. For now, I’m focusing on the small daily choices and it’s making a difference. Good luck with your larger mission. Thank you.

  2. Wow, I applaud your decision to use your retirement years for the support of those in need.Blessings to you!

  3. I’m retired as well, so since I don’t have as much cash to donate, I often work as an organizer to solicit donations from others. I also founded two non-profits. One gives scholarships to deserving children for music education and the other is a diaper bank for those who cannot afford diapers for their babies and toddlers.

  4. I feel like if we all used our time to do good the way you are, the world would be a much better place. I love that you’re using your time and experience to make the world more loving.

  5. Bill Sweeney says:

    I just want to say thank you. Your posts and have changed the way I interact with my world and the people in it. I’ve always been a nice guy, I think, but I never really stopped to think about how I could positively impact those around me. Keep sharing the love!

  6. Ruth I. says:

    I agree that we all have a choice. Every decision that we make can make a difference. I am trying my best to give encouragement to others and be friends to people I meet along this journey.

  7. Tim B says:

    self-interest is becoming the down fall of our political system. Hopefully people will wake up to what you are advocating.

  8. Cyn Gagen says:

    It’s so important to stop and think about things like this. I know I’m a good person but are there times when I’m not as compassionate as I could be because of stresses in my own life? Definitely. Acting on our oneness – I’m going to think of that when making a decision.

  9. Adaleta says:

    Well do all have a choice and we have the power to make changes and contribute to making the word better

  10. I think anybody who can turn a blind eye to the pain of others needs some sort of help. I think I tend to be over compassionate at times.

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