Santa Fe sights: pick one

October 16, 2015

In our rental house.

This is how I begin my mornings in Santa Fe and here’s why:

morn coffeeI must have my morning coffee. But one morning we decided to head out to the fabulous Santa Fe Farmers Market.

railyard marketIt’s one of the most amazing markets I’ve been to, and that’s saying something, because my hometown of Rochester, NY has a fantastic public market. This one’s even better.

red pepThere isn’t anything that says “Santa Fe” more than chili peppers.  The sight…

pepper panand the aroma. Oh, the aroma. This is how we’d cook them at home.

roast peppersBut massive quantities can be roasted at once in this drum. Oh, the aroma!

peace chainThe character of the city was also reflected in the offerings.

cowgirlThis, too, is part of the area’s heritage.

gayest spotAnother vintage dishtowel reflected the community’s puckish sense of humor.

wolfI’ve always loved these. Also on offer at the market.

senioritaAnd this one was classic.

wormsI had to laugh at the worm vendor’s signs.

santa fe trainThe Railyard area has become quite the happening place, with not only the farmer’s market, but shops, restaurants and a luxurious movie theatre.

2015-10-08 14.05.22We bundled up another day and our friends took us to Ski Santa Fe, where we took the chair lift up to see the aspens in all their fall glory.

bedeckedFrom the chair lift we saw firs bedecked in beads, apparently thrown from the lift.

clouds aspen topUp top, the cloud formations were gorgeous.

Natives sellingBack downtown, native Americans were selling their wares in front of the Palace of the Governors, as they have for a very long time. I cut a deal with a guy who made beautiful necklaces and my cost was a third less than his original price.

crowd noticeAlso downtown, a new TV series starring Nick Nolte was being filmed. We probably should have stuck around to see if we could sight him, but I didn’t know he was starring until I looked it up later. Then again, who knows if he was even there. We did see many trucks and a lot of gear and production crew.

skel coupleThere’s lots more to come, but for now, we’ll say goodbye.  So, which sight did you like best?




24 comments on “Santa Fe sights: pick one
  1. So fun!! We were in Santa Fe last week… it was wonderful. 🙂 Love your photos!

  2. I’m with you, my friend. I must have my morning coffee but this Farmer’s Market looks amazing and worthy of postposing it.
    Have fun!

  3. Hi Carol – Loved this post! I do the same thing on mine here in Tampa. Your photos are spectacular, I love the art. I have never had the pleasure of travelling to Santa Fe, my son Hunter has, he loved it! Someday….

    Great work!

    With a smile, Carlyn 🙂

  4. Mary says:

    We were in Santa Fe last September for a wedding. It was such a great town. I loved that if you wanted both red and green chili pepper sauce you could ask for “Christmas.”

  5. so many gorgeous pictures! My mouth is burning just looking at those chillies – I am such a wimp!

  6. Julie says:

    Santa Fe is great! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  7. FABULOUS photos, so full of color and life! Thanks for the eye candy!

  8. Mindi says:

    Your photo of the red peppers took me right back to Santa Fe. I think it’s time to plan a return visit.

  9. Lisa Froman says:

    great pics! I love Santa Fe! I bought a gorgeous ring in one of the jewelry shops. Love the art galleries, too! Have fun!

  10. Roz Warren says:

    My favorite? The worm vendors, of course! Unusual AND funny. My favorite combination. But I enjoyed all of your photos. This post made me realize how much you can learn about a person by looking at a series of photos that they’re taken. Based on these, it would seem that it’s fun to be you.

  11. Sante Fe looks like my kind of town. The view from the chip lift is my favorite scene!

  12. I swear I can smell those peppers through my screen!!

  13. Keriann McKenna says:

    I loved the tree decked out in beads. We should show our trees, our land, and our water more respect–take care of the gifts of the earth.

  14. tina says:

    Living in Phoenix, I know the aroma of those chilis! Gee, I can smell them even now, at 5 a.m. at home in my pjs!! I’ve never been to Sante Fe but you inspired me to put it on my bucket list!

  15. Kathleen says:

    The chairlift must have been amazing, certainly need your coffee before going on that. I love the beads in the tree below. Thanks for coming to the party with these interesting photos for us to enjoy.
    Fridays Blog Booster Party #28

  16. Janice Wald says:

    Hi Carol,
    It must have taken a long time to put all these photos together. Which did I like the best? Strangely, I kept going back to read the sign. One of them looked spooky which I kept looking at.

  17. One of many parts of the world I haven’t been to but would like to visit. I have an aunt and uncle who moved to Arizona a couple of years ago – they’ve put out a standing offer for me & my guy to come down to thaw out sometime in the middle of one of our nasty icy NYC winters, I do hope to take them up on it.

    Would love to see some pix of the necklaces the craftsman was selling, bet they’re beautiful!

  18. Lana says:

    Great pictures of Santa Fe. Looks like you’re having a great time!

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