Kindness grenade

June 7, 2017

My octagenerian BFF got one of the first decks of healing affirmations, hot off the press. A few weeks later she was visiting at my house and,unsolicited, dug into her purse.
satsifed-customerShe pulled out the pretty pink organza bag full of healing affirmations. Because, of course, they are business card size and easy to carry in a  purse.  “I have my favorites of these affirmations,” she said, fingering through the deck.

She then pulled out a few of the ones she liked best.
And there she is, showing me her favorites. I nearly swooned with joy, that she’d embraced the affirmations and found them helpful. And thought to show me just how much!

Nothing like a satisfied customer. Especially when it’s someone you love. Her compliment was like a kindness grenade, an unexpected explosion of sweet thought. And you know how much I think we need more kindness in the world.

If you’ve got either affirmation deck and have favorites, I’d love a photo of you holding them a some of your thoughts on how you use them. I’d love to feature you here, but I don’t have to use your name. Just like I didn’t use hers.

Send images and ideas to me at   Thank you!

61 comments on “Kindness grenade
  1. Robin rue says:

    I am head over heels in love with this idea. We need to spread more kindness!!

  2. Danik says:

    This is a fantastic idea and I think more people should get involved and spread the love/positive vibes 🙂

  3. This is such a beautiful idea. The world needs more ;love and kindness, and you continue to spread it far and wide. Thank you!

  4. Pam says:

    I have been hearing a lot about the use of affirmations. These healing affirmations sound like they would be useful!

  5. Isn’t it lovely when we get back a littleof the kindess and love we send out. I’m so glad your friend loves her cards – they are incredibly pretty and the affirmations are wonderful.

  6. Jeanette says:

    Such a beautiful way to spread more love. I need to make a few decks of these for my friends and family members.

  7. It’s always such a wonderful thing to remember to be gentle with ourselves especially with how crazy and busy can be. Love these.

  8. Helene Cohen Bludman says:

    This is such a nice change from all the negativity out there! Keep spreading the goodness, Carol.

  9. Tara Pittman says:

    These cards would be good to carry around. The sayings are so inspiring.

  10. Annette Yedlin says:

    What a wonderful idea. Who doesn’t need something positive in their lives!

  11. Kristin says:

    These are such a great idea. I love how they could be added to my husband jacket as a simple reminder. What a great idea!

  12. Catherine Sargent says:

    This is such a great idea.I know my friends and family would all love this.

  13. TColeman says:

    This is such a great idea! I know that there are so many people that need to hear these things including me!

  14. Adaleta says:

    That is such a cool deck of cards, I would love to have those and remind myself daily.

  15. Kelly says:

    This is such a great idea! The cards are so cute – I need them.

  16. Claudia Krusch says:

    This is such a great way to spread some joy around. I will have to get some of these cards so I can do this.

  17. Liz Mays says:

    This was really sweet. It’s great that she had some favorites that resonated with her. It’s nice when you find something that really speaks to you.

  18. Jenny says:

    These are great! I’d love reading these every day to help get my day going on a more positive note.

  19. Jen T says:

    Those are very well done and pretty. What a nice compliment for someone to have and use something wonderful that you created.

  20. Andrea says:

    I love reading this, it is so true, we are capable of healing our own bodies. I would love to read these every day to start my day on a good day.

  21. MAKEBA GILES says:

    I totally love this!!More kindness is definitely needed in these trying times! Thanks so much for sharing!

  22. chei says:

    Oh this is such a great idea! Reading this before starting your day is a good way to have a positive day.

  23. JenNY T says:

    I love that you compare kindness to a grenade going off and spreading all around because it really can work that way! My sister sends me motivational notes and cards in the mail from many states away and it makes me feel good every time I think of them! These cards are such a great way to brighten other people’s day.

  24. Amanda Love says:

    It’s so rewarding to see a customer very much satisfied with her purchase from your wonderful line! I hope to see more pictures and it would be nice to see feedbacks from the journals as well.

  25. Everyone could use a kind or cheerful word on any given day. It’s great she appreciated them so much she keeps them with her.

  26. I need to order a set for me and a few things for my sis in law who was just diagnosed again.
    I am so happy for you, this is such a feel good business.

  27. Neha Saini says:

    This is really a great way, to enjoy. I would love to share it with my family and friends, I hope they would like it,

  28. rika says:

    What a sweet idea to show kindness! Those cards are beautiful!

  29. Maurene Cab says:

    Wow! I hope many people adopt this idea. We all can use a little positivity in our lives.

  30. This is amazing think is a really great idea to show your love to other people even remind yourself about care and love, thank you for share it.You gave a great idea.

  31. It seems like she truly enjoyed the gift. It must have really connected with her!

  32. Kita Bryant says:

    This is a very unique gift. In fact, this is a unique idea in general and I love it!

  33. Czjai says:

    Wonderful! It’s very heartwarming and encouraging to know that your friends support your endeavor. 🙂

  34. JOna says:

    Ohh I love this idea. I remember I used to by something like this which contains positive quotes so that I will pick one whenever I feed down or sad to uplift my spirit.

  35. These are so cool! It is always nice to have some inspiring reminders to be positive. We all need that motivation from time to time.

  36. Rebecca Swenor says:

    I actually love the idea of a healing affirmation deck. This is positive reinforcements that someone can read every day at any time to make them stay positive during a difficult time. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea.

  37. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    These cards are such a beautiful idea. We can all use some inspiration from time to time. We never know what others are going through. Lifting one another up is important.

  38. That’s such a lovely idea! I would love to get such adorable cards myself!

  39. Krystal says:

    Words matter! Affirmations are helpful and can make anyone feel better.

  40. I really like this idea. You never know when you could change someones day with a simple card.

  41. Nellwyn says:

    I love this idea and it’s so great that your friend enjoys the affirmations so much!

  42. Scott says:

    Still loving this idea. I can see dropping them in random places to cheer up a stranger!

  43. brianne says:

    This is such a great idea! i love these so much and need to pass them along!

  44. This is an amazing idea! Positive affirmations are crucial; they motivate you and help you remain jovial.

  45. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    I think I will get my sister these healing affirmation cards. She recently had her thyroid gland removed and now she is having issues with “pins and needles” sensation and muscle weakness too. She’s scheduled to see a neurologist for this condition. I feel she is worried, and she is not that brave to face challenges. Yes, I think healing affirmation cards would help her a lot.

  46. I am so glad that she was happy with her cards. That is so good to know that you were able to help someone and they truly appreciated it.

  47. Kristi says:

    What a great way to brighten someone’s day! Everyone could use this.

  48. Emily says:

    I love this idea of sweet affirmations! I think this would be a great and simple gift. We all need to hear these kind words of encouragement!

  49. G&D Blog says:

    Yeah! These words are what we need to hear in our everyday lives. We have 24 hours to find something positive to brighten our whole day and something that we can remember the next day.

  50. kelly reci says:

    This is nice! It’s lovely if I will recieve it as a gift! Perfect gift idea too!

  51. blair villanueva says:

    Am thinking of making of these for my Amore. A simple gift that i know he will appreciate 🙂

  52. Great idea. I love the notecards.We need more caring and loving in this world.

  53. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    It makes me happy that you have found fulfillment in life. Reaching out and helping others through these affirmation cards are really great! I may get a deck of those and send them to my cousin who is in remission for Breast cancer.

  54. My Teen Guide says:

    You are now reaping the rewards of the kindness you have spread. Enjoy it and I know it will multiply even more!

  55. Jenniifer L says:

    Oh i love this deck of affirmations! I actually gave a best friend something similar and she just loved it.

  56. Jennifer L says:

    Oh i love this deck of affirmations! I actually gave a best friend something similar and she just loved it!!

  57. I love those cards! the messages are very uplifting! Great

  58. Our Family World says:

    I am so happy for you. It feels so nice to see how your work positively affects the people around you. I hope your tribe increases. We need more people like you in the world. Your healing affirmation cards are the best.

  59. Jenn Mitchell says:

    This is so awesome! Kindness definitely needs to be spread more in this world.

  60. Eileen Kelly says:

    I just love these cards. Going through some difficult times and these just made me smile. Great idea

  61. Melissa Bernardo says:

    I love this idea. What a beautiful way to remind ourselves that we are worthy!

1 Pings/Trackbacks for "Kindness grenade"
  1. […] And I’m thrilled to reprise my post on being hit with a kindness grenade last month, in my post HERE. […]

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