Save time, money on shopping this week

August 7, 2012


 I’m not up for braving the crowd at the grocery store this week. My dog’s sick and I am just back from a week in NY so the mail’s piled up and so is laundry. So I decided to look at which items on my shopping list were available on sale –and with free shipping–from Proctor & Gamble’s new online shopping site.

That’s my list, above, and if I order these products in August, I get 10 percent off my entire list. And if I buy more than $25, they ship it to my door, absolutely free.

Who doesn’t want to save time and money?

If you want the same deal and a choice of even more products, use the link below and click through the toothbrush review to the shop. Because yes, if you use the link I get a commission, but also, you get a deal.

A win-win, as they say.

Oh, feel free to get the toothbrush, too, because you know I love it from last week’s review. Love love love it. Here’s the link:

Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 Toothbrush 

Cleanliness is next to godliness. They say that, too.

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