Save trees fools

September 25, 2011
God has cared for these trees,
saved them from drought, disease, avalanches,
and a thousand tempests and floods.
But he cannot save them from fools.
-John Muir

Colorado aspens are lovely in the spring, their green leaves rustling and the quaking variety making a sound almost like a Native American rainstick. But these Canadian aspens in the fall make a beautiful golden contrast to the green spruce that are everywhere in this sub-Alpine area. Thinking about what this lake would look like without the beautiful reflection of its surrounding trees. It would look incomplete.

No sign of clear-cutting on our drive through northwestern Canada. That’s a stark contrast to what I’ve seen when traveling in far northern California. I know there is logging here in Canada and even clear cutting. Maybe I’m just imagining it, but it seems like there’s also more respect for nature.

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