“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life.
I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss,
or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have—life itself.”
~ Walter Anderson
Among all the different things people are grateful for, this year, for me, everything else falls away and the thing I’m most grateful for is life, itself, in all its fragility: the biggest joy, the biggest blessing. Life is the root of all things. It’s the prerequisite to all the good we do here. Raising kids, helping others, making the most of our talents and skills–life. That’s life. And while we give thanks for our many blessings, to me the best blessing of all is the ability to live this life, which for me has been full of surprises of all kinds.
Now that I’m older I’m more tuned in to what goes on around me and also to what’s most important. When I was younger, I seemed to be always waiting for my real life to begin. I was too young to see that I was living it the entire time. (The sages are right: youth may well be wasted on the young. )
So for me, this holiday, it’s life that I’ll give thanks for.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and loved ones. I hope you enjoy these few Thanksgiving thoughts to inspire you as you go about your day.
I think he meant “one chance at THIS life.” (grin)
Happy Thanksgiving Carol to you and yours! And in our gratefulness, may we always pay it forward. Lovely post, and great reminder to always be grateful for the air we are blessed to inhale each day!!
The biggest pre-requisite of all! Thank you for allowing me (and everyone else who hangs on your every word) in your world and your thoughts. I am grateful for your perspective, your reasoned opinions, and your balanced approach to all things big and small. I am so glad to, through your words for now, get to know you!
Thank you – I love that you post EVERY SINGLE DAY – and am inspired by you. Sometimes, thank you is exactly the right thing to say. Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to reading more.
Thank you. I needed to read this. Having recently been diagnosed with cancer, it really does make one think of all the things to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
There is always something to be grateful for, isn’t there? And there are always things that are worth striving for. I feel as if I am very guilty of waiting around for something better to come along, rather than enjoying living in the moment. I really have been working on that. Thanks so much for the inspiration today. Happy Thanksgiving!
What a wonderful way to close the day — reading your post. Indeed, so much to be grateful for. And even though youth may be wasted on the wrong people, I wouldn’t trade any of the things that shaped me, even the tough stuff. Happy Thanksgiving , Carol.
I’m thankful for being mature enough to see that the things I struggled with as a youngsters are no longer important, life itself is truly a gift to be cherished.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Yes. I am so thankful for so much every day. Happy Thanksgiving, Carol. I’m thankful to have gotten to know you.
And me, you, Lois!
Happy Thanksgiving Carol to you and yours! And in our gratefulness, may we always pay it forward. Lovely post, and great reminder to always be grateful for the air we are blessed to inhale each day!!
Yes, paying it forward is so important, Carolann!
The biggest pre-requisite of all! Thank you for allowing me (and everyone else who hangs on your every word) in your world and your thoughts. I am grateful for your perspective, your reasoned opinions, and your balanced approach to all things big and small. I am so glad to, through your words for now, get to know you!
Ruth, I could say the same thing to you! Thank you so much!
Thank you – I love that you post EVERY SINGLE DAY – and am inspired by you. Sometimes, thank you is exactly the right thing to say. Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to reading more.
Thank you. I needed to read this. Having recently been diagnosed with cancer, it really does make one think of all the things to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
You certainly hit the nail on the head Carol. Basically that’s it. Lovely quotes as well. Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!
There is always something to be grateful for, isn’t there? And there are always things that are worth striving for. I feel as if I am very guilty of waiting around for something better to come along, rather than enjoying living in the moment. I really have been working on that. Thanks so much for the inspiration today. Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving Carol. You’ve meant alot to me this past year and I am very grateful for your friendship.
I love this. It reminds me to be curious about the journey and take nothing for granted. xo S
What a wonderful way to close the day — reading your post. Indeed, so much to be grateful for. And even though youth may be wasted on the wrong people, I wouldn’t trade any of the things that shaped me, even the tough stuff. Happy Thanksgiving , Carol.
I’m thankful for being mature enough to see that the things I struggled with as a youngsters are no longer important, life itself is truly a gift to be cherished.