Sea Breeze

January 15, 2012
Serenity II by Sherree Valentine Daines

It’s culture day here at the Diva’s place. Art. That’s right. Art. Paintings. A little “cultcha.”

Step right into these scenes with me, will you? The artist is Sherree Valentine Daines.

Sea Breeze

Daines is Britain’s leading figurative artist and this painting’s a beautiful example of modern British impressionism.

These little girls look like they haven’t a care in the world. They’re in the moment, enjoying their explorations in the sea breeze. I can feel the water on their feet and the gusts of soft wind that push at their dresses. The innocent curiosity of childhood so beautifully depicted.

Carefree Times

A lazy Sunday afternoon. The air is completely still and there’s nothing on the schedule but some coffee, wine and relaxing in the sunshine with the newspaper and the dog. I can’t envision this guy having any job at all; he looks like he’s to the manor born. Don’t you love his hat? She looks like she might be waiting patiently for him to finish so they can go back to bed. You can’t tell me that’s not a nightgown. The dog’s perfectly rendered. I can hear him pant.

Up top, Serenity II — my favorite.

Some art just speaks to you, doesn’t it? Daines’ work does that for me. I love her take on modern impressionism, its dreamy quality that allows viewers to fill in the details themselves. I could stare at these paintings forever. In fact, I have.

Here are a few more:

Lazy Days

A Treasured Gift

How about you? Do have have a favorite painting? a favorite style of art? What do you think of these?

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