Searching for fall in the Canadian Rockies

September 28, 2011

We’re flying to Vancouver this morning, where we’ll catch this train. For two days we’ll wind around the Canadian Rockies, enjoying stunning vistas through a glass-ceiling train car; dining on fabulously prepared meals. We’ll get off the train in Jasper, and hang out in that national park for a night. We’re hoping to see some fall colors: Jasper is one of the top 10 places for colorful fall foliage.
Then, we’ll pick up a car and drive to Lake Louise and Banff, where we’ll explore that huge national park for few days. In fact, we’ll be in Canadian national parks the entire trip. The Columbia Icefield’s on our list. So is the Banff gondola. On the 10th day, we’ll fly home from Calgary.

Watch this space for deets as we travel. What are the “don’t miss” sights in this part of the world? It’s my first visit to the Canadian Rockies.

2 comments on “Searching for fall in the Canadian Rockies
  1. Ally Rose says:

    I am so jealous!!!! Have a fabulous trip, take lots of pictures, i’ve always wanted to visit Banff.

  2. You have great taste in destinations, Ally! Watch this space for pix!

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