Seasonings in spicy Morocco

March 24, 2012

Spices in American grocery stores come packaged in sanitary glass bottles, tiny metal shakers or sealed plastic containers.

What an assault on the senses the array of pungent, colorful spices in Morocco’s souks are, open to the air and the eye.

If you can see or smell a spice in America, horrors! sacre bleu! the seal has been broken! You wouldn’t dare buy it.

Here, color, aroma, texture all play into a cook’s selection. The variety is overwhelming. I certainly “get” why those explorers were anxious to bring spices like these home from their exotic journeys.

Ginger, turmeric, saffron, cumin, paprika and white pepper are the staples of Moroccan flavors and you can find them all in your local souk.

Oh, no nearby souk? I guess you’ll just have to visit Safeway, Publix, or, if you’re really a glutton for punishment, Whole Paycheck.

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