Seattle sights & scenes

August 23, 2010

This is the gorgeous two-room suite the Inn at the Market upgraded us to as a surprise.

And who in their right mind wouldn’t enjoy this small round representation of chocolate heaven we found waiting on the coffee table?
At least you know they’re clean.

Street musicians create wonderful energy at the Market.

This bike was attached to a sign that said “Police Vehicles only.”
I never get tired of flowers. These were spectacular.
Abundant baskets of flowers, huge, really, on lampposts.
It’s the Pacific northwest, so what else but fish?
I love going to confection, how about you? This one’s for you, Mary G!
Who knows what the evening will bring? I’m crazy about Seattle–fantasize about living here, actually, and M. was recruited to a general counsel job here about a dozen years ago–but he didn’t take the job.

Sweet dreams, all! More tomorrow.

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