Secret box of dreams

July 27, 2013


This is a secret box.

Ok, a box like this can’t be much of a secret, right?
Maybe it’s not a secret.
But it’s a place to hide our dreams,
the ones we still have, even those of us who are older.
Every once in a while it’s good to take holdof the smooth wooden handle,
lift the cover and peek in.
What dreams are still there
even after life and heartache
have done their best to beat them down?
Pick an interesting one up.
Is there a way to make it come true?
Even as I age, I think it’s important
to still dream.
And dream big.
Because, as the sign says:
it costs nothing to dream
and everything not to.
What’s your secret dream?
Are you willing to share it?


9 comments on “Secret box of dreams
  1. Susan Cooper says:

    I love this post. Dreaming is so important for all of us. Through our dreams much can be realized. I dream of having a successful blog.

  2. adela says:

    Dreams are the best! That’s the beginning of insight, change, and action.

  3. Cathy says:

    Love this post. I think we all need to look into that box from time to time to remind ourselves of dreams we still have that need fulfilling. You are right that we get beaten down along the way and there are setbacks but dreams are what make life exciting with all their possibilities. It’s important not to lose them.

    • admin says:

      True. I’m doing as series on this over at The Succulent Wife–going through the process of making dreams come true once a month with readers & it’s given me amazing insight.

  4. Love this! I dream of seeing my book in print:))

  5. I love this post. We always made these in my Heart’s Desire workshops~you put your dreams in as a sort of “mailing this wish to God” exercise. 🙂

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