Security on the job

March 2, 2010

An overcast day, grey and drizzly, cold and damp.

And wouldn’t you know it: Riley had a haircut yesterday and is without his warm coat.

He kept cuddling into the blankets, so I went searching for his warm California outfits.

First, a hooded pajama.

Wow–it no longer fit–our boy is on the borderline of “stocky.” Not quite. But too stocky for his cute baby blue jammies.

But his grey sweatshirt still fits.

And yes, it says SECURITY. Because he is a guard dog nonpareil.

2 comments on “Security on the job
  1. Cheri says:

    Riley is the cutest! Can I babysit sometime?

  2. Sure! But get ready to fall in LOOOVE! At least til you see what a lot of work he is!

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