Shape your world

February 23, 2012
Here’s the deal.
You can sit on your ass and do nothing.
You can whine till you’re blue in the face.
You can actively avoid doing anything to move your life forward.

Or you can take charge of your life.
Which is it?

3 comments on “Shape your world
  1. Eden says:

    I am taking charge! Be goals for me!

    Love your user name; love your blog.

  2. Thank you! Come visit all the time, I post every day. xoxo

  3. Talon says:

    I am taking charge as well, try to do everyhting, that my book is going out there. Love, kindnes, unterstanding, the world should be full with these, not all the other bad things.
    Now i will follow you, please follow me as well.

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