Shhhh! Quiet readers at work!

August 1, 2010

This blog has the quietest readers on earth.

I know you’re out there. My counter tells me so.

But you comment in small numbers and not a single one of you seems to want a What Would Riley Do coffee mug.

I haven’t had the heart to break it to him. But even if I did, his strong sense of self would remain firmly in place. Because he does rule the world.

Today’s the last day of the What Would Riley Do giveaway. If you’re interested, scroll down a few posts for instructions.

And if you’re not, well, friends of mine should make room in their cupboards. Those coffee mugs may be your Christmas gift.

One comment on “Shhhh! Quiet readers at work!
  1. Lucia says:

    I’m here! I’m reading!

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