Charging into our shortest month

February 3, 2015

shortest-month How did Punxutawney Phil predict another six weeks of winter, when here in California, it’s been spring for so long I can’t remember?

Of course, this is bad news for people in other parts of the country, who have been enduring the cold–not to mention blizzards–for weeks.  Those days are a distant memory for me now, but drove my decision to avoid living in a place where the skies are grey so much of the year. Like my hometown.  As I write this, the forecast predicts a high of 71 degrees today. It’s unseasonably warm–our entire northern California winter has been that way due to climate change–and that part of it makes me a little uncomfortable.

February sneaked up on me and because it’s our shortest month, before we know it the March lion or lamb will appear and we’ll be well on our way to spring.

Meanwhile, here we are with our shortest month. What do we do with it? Will we even have time to do anything?

Today I am over at Next Avenue, answering those questions.  I’d love for you to head on over there and comment or share, as the spirit moves you.  Thank you so much!

7 comments on “Charging into our shortest month
  1. It’s been pretty warm down here, too. I almost envy our snowbound friends. Almost.

  2. It was 23 degrees here in Virginia this morning, so I’m focusing on adding fat to my body for warmth. It doesn’t matter that I have enough fat to last three years. I grew up in Northern CA and miss the weather there!

  3. Helene says:

    I can’t even put into words how envious I am of your weather.

  4. Your posts always make me miss NorCal. Hopefully I’ll do something productive this month.

  5. Carolann says:

    I love winter so the cold and snow are fine by me 🙂 I couldn’t imagine living anywhere without the full impact of each season! Autumn is a dream here in PA. And the summers are glorious. I love looking forward to each season.!

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