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I’m with you. I can’t believe how tired and rotten I feel.
I’m with you, too, Carol. I looked at my editorial calendar and felt the same way about my upcoming posts’ relevance or value in this post-election world. Where I can, I’m going to try to make them relevant by tying the topic to what’s going on in our country. But to avoid burnout, I’m going to post some stuff just for fun, too, to maybe cleanse my readers’ emotional palates (and my own) just a little bit. And keep informed and speaking out wherever else I can. I DON’T want to become complacent.
Honestly, I am exhausted. I’m not sure how much more I can take so, in the best interest of my mental and physical health, I’m trying to step back a bit and see what transpires between now and Jan. We are a country of checks and balances and I know we will be tested to the nth degree but, I pray our founding fathers were right in their vision and that we can’t be broken, even by idiots.
I get your exhaustion. Just do one little thing each day. It will count.
I am looking forward to the change, that is for sure… but I am sure distraught about all of the hate that is going on… they are giving up their power and control to the very thing they hate… it’s just sad. Glad that you are taking a break and focusing on the good… which is what we all need to do….continue to be our best and look forward. We have, as a people, as Americans been through so much, good and bad, and this too shall pass and we can’t forecast what it will truly be until is happens. Let’s look for the good in people, lets focus on being our best and pulling together, as Americans.
Really inspirational and uplifting quotes. Thanks!
One thing that I hope that comes from this is that people start actually doing things instead of just complaining. Become an activist for the causes that you care about. Be the change that you want to see in the world.
I live in another country now, but once I saw the results, I put in a donation to an organization very near and dear to me because I fear that they may lose their federal funding. This is a great opportunity for people to come together.
I haven’t written about my feelings. Too close to the surface right now to be useful. But something has shifted in me and it almost feels physical.
I am educating myself about politics, positions, people. I made a donation to the Southern Poverty Law Center and signed up for their newsletter. I am paying attention. I wrote my new Congressman about my objection to Steve Bannon’s appointment . Awake, awakened, more engaged….but at the heart, sadness.
I’m with you. I spoke with a conservative friend of mine earlier today, and even HE is horrified at the appointments Trump is making. He’s Jewish.
It really does feel silly, doesn’t it?
I thought about that all this week. How am I sitting here writing about confessions of drinking wine when the thing I ACTUALLY want to confess is how I want to scream at all the people I work with that voting for him does NOT mean he’s going to bring back all these industrial jobs. He DID lie to you to get your vote. And he is NOT a better choice than Clinton.
It is tough these days. I hope everything somehow improves. I just don’t have the energy to constantly be upset.
Ill be honest im tired of reading on people opnions on the election.
Election night was rough for me, I think I went through every stage of grief during those first 24 hours. I am at a point now where I want to focus on the good and the beautiful in the world. Somehow shed light on the stories that are often eclipsed by the ones that exploit the dark and ugly side of humanity. We need to come together as a nation and remember the ripple effect of kindness and charity.
Thank you for this. I was encouraged to keep going despite what circumstances look like 🙂
It’s important for people to express themselves. If we didn’t we would just blow up.
People are entitled to speak their minds and Im entitled to be tired of hearing about it. lol I say to each it own as long as theres respect. 🙂
I am tired of politics honestly and completaly understand your frustration. These are beautiful quotes!
You make a few good points. However, silence doesn’t always mean complicity. I prefer to spend my energy towards things that can affect change. Talking and getting upset about things doesn’t make things happen. I’d rather spend that time looking ahead and seeing where I can make positive changes and outcomes.
Silence is where I am right now. Beyond that I haven’t processed. You’ve chosen interesting quotes for the topic.
I am upset too Carol but I am putting my trust and faith in God. What upset me the most are the religious people that support Trump and make excuses for his actions. Those same people that attend church every day and read the bible completely like Pence, think God is okay with this man which is laughable. God is not about hate and will not excuse this! I am confident he won’t serve the 4 years because something will pop up that will impeach him.
Politics always tend to throw me for a loop. I was so disheartened by the way things turned out with this one. I guess we can only sit back and wait and see what happens.
i personally appreciate and welcome the entertainment to help counter balance the insanity that is going on around us.
I was shocked too. I think the best thing for us to is to hang on to hope and support one another and treat everyone with kindness and compassion,
You just do what you gotta do, right? Gotta keep moving.
I have the same sentiments as you. I understand that posting everyday can seem a little too much for others but it’s also you trying to voice out your concerns and fight for your right.
I hear you Carol. No matter how terrible the situation might seem, try to find something good and positive and keep fighting! Amazing quotes!
big things that change always make us look at life more. not sure why, as we should always look at life. keep writing your normal stuff, as this doesn’t change who you are as a person.
I so get your point.
It can be exhausting.
Just stick to doing your usual thing, love.
I hope things look up soon.
I understand that burned out feeling. I hope you eventually feel refreshed and that you continue to write.
I am with you on the shock of what has happened to my country that I love the most. The only hope is that things will get better as we move on with what ever has happened and hope for the best!