Sit Saturday: Crating

August 15, 2009

That’s bad boy, deep in dreamland.

The other day, M. & I made a quick trip to Petco for supplies. On our way home, I asked, “Did we crate Riley before we left?” I was pretty sure we hadn’t.

I always crate Riley when I leave the house, because he gets into so much trouble. Like when I found him standing in the middle of the dining room table. Or with a razor in his mouth. Or chewing sugarless gum (the xylitol is toxic to dogs). If there’s trouble, he’ll find it.

“Yes,” M. reassured me. “I distinctly remember crating him.”

“I distinctly remember last seeing Riley lounging on the bed,” I said.

We got home, and opened the door. Riley was lounging on the living room rug, sans crate, of course. Just casual as you can be.

He lived, too.

One comment on “Sit Saturday: Crating
  1. ecokaren says:

    Loved this post as I have a Maltese who is generally good, operative word being “generally”. I don’t crate her anymore as she figured out how to unlock the latch when she was less than 6 months old. So I trained her to be ‘good’ – relatively good. But she’s still the love of our lives, although she thinks I AM the only love of her life. Sigh~ since she’s suppose to be my daughter’s dog.

    Love your blog, btw, as I also consider myself a Middle-Aged Diva but clawing my way NOT to be “middle aged”, but diva, absolutely YES… that I am.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the giveaway. Good Luck!

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