Sit Saturday – rugs

October 9, 2009

Frankly, I don’t see why landlords make all this fuss about dogs. Our dogs are rugs and that’s no joke.

I’m sitting on the living room sofa. Little He is stretched out, next to me, asleep. Tinker is sleeping on the floor to the left. Snoring. Puddin’ is sleeping at my feet. They look like area rugs.

Riley’s in the bedroom asleep with M. And even though he’s a busy little dog, he has calmed down quite a bit now that he is two-and-a-half. He spends a good part of every weekday sleeping at M.’s feet while he works.

It’s a good thing that they’re all calm, because this house is way too small for four active dogs.

We bought some small sleeping rugs and we’re getting the dogs used to spending their days on the patio. It’s just been so hot and humid here (thank you, global warming) and it looks like about a week till it starts to moderate any.

I hate this weather and I am sure the dogs do, too.

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