
August 23, 2011

Busy. We’re all busy. It’s hard to find time to do all the important things on our to-do list, so taking care of ourselves tends to fall to the bottom with a big thud.

Over at BlogHer’s Life Well Lived, the question is:

How do you take care of your skin when you have zero “me” time?

Like many women my age, I wish I’d paid better attention to skin care when I was younger. Cosmetic companies touted easy “3-step” skin care solutions, but they seemed like such a chore, especially with a busy life.

My favorite quick trick has been to keep a jar or tube of moisturizer at my bedside, making it easy to remember this important anti-aging step. Who taught me this? Another woman, of course.

It’s all about women sharing quick and easy skin care tips at BlogHer’s Life Well Lived today. Click HERE for more tips on how to make a huge difference in your skin in just a few minutes a day.

If you’ve got your own skin care tip, click HERE to offer it and get a chance to win $250.

Over at BlogHer’s Life Well Lived, the question is


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