Skool daze

April 2, 2010

Riley was ejected from Small Dog Manners class this week for having poor manners.

All the other dogs sat nicely in a circle with their owners and were able to socialize together.

Riley reacted to the other dogs with such a fit of barking that the trainer had to turn a table on its side to set up a visual barrier. Riley and I sat isolated behind that, so he could not see the other dogs.

But he knew they were there.

My job was to feed him treats when he was quiet, to reinforce him. And then to take him outside for walks to let off energy. Every few minutes.

At the end of the class, the instructor asked me my thoughts.

“Well, ” I said. “Seems like I just paid you to let me sit in a corner and feed my dog treats while all the others got trained.”

They gave me a refund.

Next up: a pet psychic.


Stay tuned.

2 comments on “Skool daze
  1. Dawn says:

    I love it when someone stands up for themselves. Teachers are there to teach. If the dog was well mannered to begin with, why would he need etiquette training? Duh! Damn right you should get your money back and be glad your dog has a personality! Oh wait, I may be channeling those days in the principal’s office with my sons…. 🙂

  2. Gal says:

    Isn’t the point to keep the dogs in the class who actually need the training, not the ones who already know how to sit still? How do they make money doing that??

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