
June 19, 2009

FLH and I may not have had children, but as you would expect, we have the world’s smartest dogs. Two dog tales this evening.

1. The BellSouth tech was just finishing up replacing FLH’s modem tonight.

“Well,” he said, “these things don’t last very long. After all, they’re made in China by people who make 17 cents an hour.”

Puddin’, FLH’s chow-chow (and soon to be “OUR chow-chow) narrowed her eyes and let out a growl.

The chow is a Chinese dog.

“Guess I shouldn’t have said that in front of her,” said the tech.

2. Riley’s favorite treats are Yogurt Drops and Choco-Milk Drops. If he catches their scent in my hand, he can’t wait to do his commands.

In fact, he can’t wait UNTIL the command!

Tonight, I told Riley to sit and before I could get “high five!” out, he was high fivin’ and jivin–going through his whole reportoire, hoping that one of them would get him a Yogurt Drop.

It was hard not to laugh.

So I did.


And then I gave him massive pets for being so much fun.

We are off to see Miss Marilyn, his trainer, in a few minutes.

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