
April 1, 2009

My first day full-time on the new business.

I was going to post something about how hard my partner & I worked today on our first workshop. We really did have a great breakthrough in developing the process we want to bring the women through.

And so I went out through Google to find some appropriate visuals of women at workshop, sitting at a table, maybe doing a vision board or something similar.

I found this.

I thought it looked like they were visioning.

And then I took a closer look at the canvas bag toward the back center of the table.

Are those…sex toys?

Surely not.

The website where I found the visual said nothing about sex toys or sex. Although the women WERE from the San Francisco Bay area.

But still, what ARE those protruding devices that ring the bag?

If you know, let us in on it because they sure as shit look like colorful sex toys to me.

Not that I would know much about that.


No. Not me.

2 comments on “So.
  1. Mike Brady says:

    just imagine if you went here instead

  2. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    I don’t know much about it, but i swear those girls are doing double headed dildo research. In a very proper and above the table way. God bless them.

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