There’s always been something entertaining about celebrity gossip and I have to admit to enjoying my share of it over the years.
I call it brain candy. Light, frothy, tittillating, it requires no thought. A few amusing moments, then I move on to my life.
But in recent months, celeb gossip has worn thin. Entertainers and celebrities have always had an inflated sense of themselves and today it seems they are out of control.
Take Kim Kardashian, for example. I saw a huge billboard in Las Vegas the other day. Kim Kardashian. New Year’s Eve. Tao nightclub. I pondered, how did this woman achieve celebrity?
By…having sex on tape. And a big ass.
No, I’m not kidding.
And leveraging that into an inane reality show with the help of her silly manager-mother. And now, she is a celebrity party hostess and the subject of a billboard promotion. Young girls look up to her.
Then there’s the sad, headline-making case of Lindsay Lohan, whose every trainwreck move is followed by paparazzi. Kate Gosselin, hardly a paragon of motherhood. I could go on. And on. Brittney Spears, who clearly has mental illness.
Back in the day, studios covered up the worst of celebrity behavior. Today, every move is publicized and the audience has become immune to shock.
But I reached my tolerance level when I found an even more debased case in point than these: the self-indulgent Joaquin Phoenix documentary I just saw, called I’m Still Here. He comes across as a total ass whose view of himself as special has no bounds. I reached my limit for celebrity crazies with this scene:
The actor spends weeks humiliating and insulting a friend, ultimately yelling at the guy, “I shit in your mouth.” It was still a surprise when the guy approached a sleeping Joaquin and actually pooped in his mouth. I kid you not. On camera. In detail. Disgusting.
Now, some think the movie is a hoax, a mockumentary. Others say it’s real. It doesn’t really matter. Because with that scene, the entire film and Phoenix reached a new low.
We have no heroes anymore. All that people know are television cartoons, characters, sitcom stars and reality television buffoons.
This is what happens when your MOMMY and DADDY let your television set be your baby sitter just like it was their baby sitter when they were growing up.
We are at an all time low and it takes everything I personally have to have compassion and love for these type of individuals who I meet in the classroom, at the bars and in the restaurants.
It is one big blurred line even my own niece who is 24 thinks she is a sex and the city cast member replete with appletinis, stilettos that she can barely walk in and trips to New York she can not afford to live out her television fantasy.
Three hoaxes in a row involving women…a faked rape reported by a National Television anchor woman, a woman also claimed to be the victim of an acid attack…and we all remember Tywanna Brawley right? Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame even if they have to SHIT in someones mouth.
All I can do is sing my favorite REM song…”Its the end of the world as I know it and I feel fine.”
I mind my own business and work diligently and daily on becoming the change that I want to see in the world and I no longer care if anyone else is going along for the ride or not. Occasionally I do find like minds and that helps to keep me some what sane.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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We have no heroes anymore. All that people know are television cartoons, characters, sitcom stars and reality television buffoons.
This is what happens when your MOMMY and DADDY let your television set be your baby sitter just like it was their baby sitter when they were growing up.
We are at an all time low and it takes everything I personally have to have compassion and love for these type of individuals who I meet in the classroom, at the bars and in the restaurants.
It is one big blurred line even my own niece who is 24 thinks she is a sex and the city cast member replete with appletinis, stilettos that she can barely walk in and trips to New York she can not afford to live out her television fantasy.
Three hoaxes in a row involving women…a faked rape reported by a National Television anchor woman, a woman also claimed to be the victim of an acid attack…and we all remember Tywanna Brawley right? Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame even if they have to SHIT in someones mouth.
All I can do is sing my favorite REM song…”Its the end of the world as I know it and I feel fine.”
I mind my own business and work diligently and daily on becoming the change that I want to see in the world and I no longer care if anyone else is going along for the ride or not. Occasionally I do find like minds and that helps to keep me some what sane.
Well said.