Sorry, Three Dog Night…

November 15, 2009

One is not always the loneliest number.

Solitude gets a bad rap. Some people fear it but I think it’s as necessary to health as oxygen.

I’ve spent a whole lot of the past 30 decades enjoying long periods of solitude.

But between not working, M. working from home, a pack of pets, two classes of students and this tiny house, I haven’t had a whole lot of alone time since midsummer.

Some people just can’t stand to be alone. They’ve got to fill every bit of space with something.

After all, it’s easy to get consumed by the hectic pace of our lives. Someone’s always wanting something. Clients to serve. Students to teach. Pets to care for. Meals must be prepared. Chores must be done. Errands must be run.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my time with my husband and I love being at home.

It’s just that I know that I need more air and space than the average Josephine. Especially to write.

That’s why I’m looking forward to our new home’s 5 bedrooms. We can each have our own office and the space we need to be alone.

M. was saying this morning that he felt we were more regimented than he liked. That having scheduled trainer appointments and dance lessons made him feel too regimented.

I can appreciate that. But the truth is that I can very easily sit on my butt all day and read or write. Going to the gym is not something I do for fun. I have to schedule it to make myself go. And M. admits he would not go at all if I had not made us trainer appointments.

If I don’t have necessary activities scheduled, I’ll find any excuse not to do them. Plus, I like dance class. Two scheduled activities are not too many for me. And I’ll probably keep a trainer after we move. M. says he won’t.

Unfortunately, our current trainer doesn’t train in the morning, my preferred time. So our sessions interrupt the day. I’d rather go earlier, be done with it and have the rest of the day for me. And that’s my plan for the new year and new trainer.

I miss M. this week. And I am also enjoying my solitude.

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