Soulmates: Option 2

September 5, 2011
Image: Nancy Lefko

Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates
and guys are just people
to have fun with.

— Candace Bushnell, author of Sex and the City
One comment on “Soulmates: Option 2
  1. Anonymous says:

    Interesting thought Diva! I do believe that your soul mate can be a male or a female and that soul mates are not necessarily people you have sex with. The ideal thought would be that your life partner would be your soul mate but it isn’t always the case. I met a soul mate that was a woman from Bulgaria. We went out for drinks and talked for about six hours and at the end of the conversation she looked at me and seriously said…”you know that you and I knew one another in a former life.” I agreed with her with out a doubt. It was magical. We became great friends and had so many spiritual and life altering conversations. I was honored to be in her presence.


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