Soup’s on! Try it.

February 17, 2013

When you cook for a diabetic, you’re always looking for delicious, diabetes-friendly recipes.

Plus, when you subscribe to Farm Fresh to You organic delivery service, a ton of organic butternut squash appears on your doorstep.

Ok, not exactly a ton. But a lot. Too much to bake.  Enough so that you really want a healthy, tasty butternut squash recipe.

So when I saw this healthy recipe for a soup with apples, onion and butternut squash, all produce sitting on my counter from our latest delivery, I had to give it a try.

Plus, it’s winter, right? And huge parts of the country are freezing cold. Here in California, an Alaskan storm is bringing us a temporary cold spell. It all adds up to time for a good soup recipe. And here it is. Give it a try–you won’t be disappointed.



2 medium butternut squash
1 large apple
1 large onion
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 Tablespoon cinnamon, more if you want
3 Cups chicken broth (I used packaged, organic broth.)
3/4 Cup Milk
6 oz. Greek yogurt
Salt, pepper to taste
Fresh chives to sprinkle on top if you want to get fancy about it

Pierce butternut squash a few times and microwave on high for about 7 minutes to soften it up. (A trick a girlfriend taught me. Ever try to peel butternut squash?)

 You might want to turn it at least once so that it cooks more evenly. Otherwise, some parts of the skin will be easy to peel off and other parts will be stuck like glue.

Fortunately, I have a sous chef to remove the skin and seeds. And cube the flesh.

Peel and chop the apple into small cubes. I used one of the two organics on the right.

Peel and cut the onion into one-inch pieces. Doesn’t this look perfect? It came in our organic box, too.

Put the chopped fruits and vegetables into a Dutch oven. Add the broth, cinnamon, brown sugar, salt, pepper.  Stir well.

Bring to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes or until squash and apples are cooked.
Put in food processor or blender 1/3 at a time and blend until smooth.

Return to Dutch oven. Add  yogurt, milk and season to taste.

Heat through (do not boil), stirring occasionally. (It’s got milk, after all; don’t want to burn it.)

Ladle into a soup bowl and enjoy with crusty bread.  Delicious, healthy, easy soup.

4 comments on “Soup’s on! Try it.
  1. Bonnie says:

    I cannot begin to tell you how much my mouth is watering right now!s This looks – and sounds – delicious. In New England we’re always looking for healthy thick soups. This looks like a winner!

  2. Does Farm Fresh deliver all over the country?

  3. Shel, I don’t know. It’s more than I can handle just to know they deliver here! But organic delivery services are all over. This is the best one in northern Calif, to me. Flexible.

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