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Powerful message indeed. Doing nothing when evil is on the rampage leads to sure disaster!
I’m busy flooding phone lines, writing my senators (Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, yuck), the Speaker, protesting for Standing Rock…and I will continue, you count on that.
I agree Carol. We will all get the world that comes from inaction.
I think of that quote every time I feel like helpless. It gets me out from under the covers and back on the phone, calling officials, or signing petitions and helping to spread the word.
We’ve seen it. Over and over in history, we’ve seen it. How can we NOT act?!
Husby always says that those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it. SO TRUE!
Some how I feel you put this out there for me to see as a reminder my work here is not done 🙂
Consequences have a habit of manifesting themselves – and the less we act to improve the situation, the greater the fallout.