Sponsor Dino: a heartwarming story

October 25, 2010

Please join me in donating whatever you can to sponsor Dino’s trip to his forever home in the US. I will match 20 percent of any donation by anyone who send me an email that they have donated after reading my blog or Facebook post, donations to be documented by Fiona. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Here’s his story: click on “Sponsor Dino” below.

Sponsor Dino: Introducing Dino: “I first spotted Dino, back in May, on the road outside the village where I am currently living in Southern Italy. He had been dumped and he …”

2 comments on “Sponsor Dino: a heartwarming story
  1. Anonymous says:

    If it were from anyone but you, Carol, I’d be leary of a scam. But this is to sweet and I know why you can’t let Dino languish.

  2. I’ve corresponded with the new owner and know smart, savvy people who’ve been involved in this in Italy for months. I feel as confident as I can be without having hands on experience of seeing and touching that this is real.

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