Spring flowers: a cure for depression?

May 26, 2012

 Spring flowers make me happy. I’ve always thought that depression treatment should include some sort of flower therapy. And I don’t mean just smelling them.

That top row of bougainvilleas I saw in a nursery just scream “California spring”. I’ve got plenty in my yard and I hope it won’t be too long before they’re thick, lush and fragrant. Only some varieties have a perfume and I hope some of mine do.

Want to make me smile? Bring a huge bouquet of tulips.

Elegant and happy flowers.

I don’t like cut roses as much as I love them growing in the yard. These delicate pink petals showcase nature at its most amazing.

My neighbors have beautiful roses….I had to snap a few while talking with them the other day.

I can never resist a bouquet that includes happy gerbera. Even if they bend and droop after a couple of days. We all bend and droop with age, right?

This year, our roses came up differently. A small bush that barely bloomed last year has given us a few beauties.

 This shot was taken in our back yard just after sunrise.

My mother loved Shasta daisies. I think of her every time I see the ones planted in our courtyard.

What’s your favorite flower?

One comment on “Spring flowers: a cure for depression?
  1. Arzoo says:

    Fresh, beautiful and lovely flowers.

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