For some reason, this display at a San Francisco farmers’ market reminded me of the markets in Italy, and that made me count back to how long it’s been since I last saw the motherland: three years, I think, although it feels like forever. And I miss it.
It rained all week, just about, on our last trip, which was to Piemonte for a week, and on top of that, I wasn’t feeling well. Italy is to be savored, especially the countryside, and I just wasn’t able to. I was gypped!
But when to go back?
This is always the question: whether to go back to old favorites or explore someplace new.
We’ve been in exploration mode these past couple of years, and have been delighted by our visits to Ireland, Scotland, western Canada and Morocco. India’s on tap for next year, along with a road trip to Montana, Utah and Idaho and a visit to an old favorite, Santa Fe, and a girls’ trip to New York City.
And yet, I miss the canals of Amsterdam and the majesty of Vienna. The familiarity of London and Rome and the somnolence of fall harvest in the Piemonte. I’d love to spend a few more hours in the Victoria and Albert museum and attend some London Theatre.
There’s nothing like putting your life in danger by walking the streets of Rome, but the risk is worth it because Romans live among their museum pieces with an historical something everyplace you turn. It’s vibrant and exciting and if you need sustenance, drop in any cafe: due cappucini i dui cornetti, per piacere!
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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