The idea for this blog sprouted straight out of my head. Literally. My hair –or, more specifically–people’s reaction to my hair served as the impetus for ~LaQuinda Brewington
It’s cool when writers start personal blogs that are a perfect reflection of who they are, so today, I’d love to introduce you to a rockin’ personal style blogger and friend of mine: Quin, who blogs over at It’s a blog you need to know about. After all, how many writers do you know whose blogs were inspired by their hair? (I thought so.)
Quin worked in PR for a client of the PR firm I retired from, and that’s how I met her. We’ve kept up with one another through, what else, Facebook, and I’ve been reading her unique and fun blog since I saw it on Facebook last fall.
Here’s how she describes herself: a mom to two amazing girls, wife to one incredible man, a compulsive list maker, dog lover, movie popcorn enthusiast, seeker of cathartic experiences, writer, PR girl and personal style blogger.
The irresistible tag line to her blog is Sensible style inspiration for the grown, classy and sassy woman.Every word in that tag line counts (the mark of a good writer) and every post reflects it. So let’s get to know Quin’s blog, shall we? Actually, let’s start with her hair.
“I’ve worn a version of the TWA (teeny weeny afro) for more than 16 years,” she told me, “and not necessarily as a fashion statement. It was an acceptable alternative to making prescribed visits to the hair salon, which isn’t exactly my ‘thing.’”
Boy, do I hear that. Those two hours at the salon that my greying hair now requires? I’d love to cut them and the expense out of my life. I think Quin’s on to something. Although the TWA is a new term to me, her TWA attracts attention.
“I’m always so surprised, even after all this time, when women approach me for hair styling advice,” Quin says. “I’m not kidding when I say I get stopped by total strangers at least a couple times a week to discuss my hair care regimen! If I’m being honest, though, it’s really quite flattering and I’m always happy to oblige people who respond so positively to me just being me.”
Isn’t that the true definition of style? “Me just being me.” I love that.
“After one particularly lengthy conversation with a well-meaning admirer, I jokingly said to my husband that I should start a blog about my hair since people – women mostly (and a few men) – seemed so interested.” Her husband thought it was a great idea and was born in October of last year.”
Quin makes a chic statement with this beautifully styled peasant dress. Read about it here.
Although her hair was the springboard, her blog has evolved to more of a personal style guide offering practical, affordable style inspiration to today’s Gen X woman looking for chic, sophisticated fashion solutions to fit just about any occasion. It may be aimed at GenX but I think her styles are timeless. Take a look at this:
I love Quin’s sense of style–and the polished manner in which she puts an outfit together. She’s also a pro at finding bargains, and shares her tips here.
and I love this simple but unique outfit on her, which she writes about here.
Her “Reflections” are some of my favorite posts–here’s some advice about dealing with the times life seems to get the best of you.
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. ~Coco Chanel
“That’s my idea of who and what a SisterLadyGirl is,” Quin says. “A woman like me who knows that feeling confident in her own skin is about so much more than what she looks like. She has a bit of swagger, but she’s not conceited. She loves where life has taken her, but she’s not afraid to go a little further. My ideal reader is the woman who is grown, classy (and a little bit) sassy. And, like me, she’s interested in living a life with meaning, purpose, style and grace.”
I hope you’ll subscribe to Quin’s blog, follow her on social media and of course, be inspired by the gorgeous Quin to be your own beautiful self.
PS. You probably don’t know this, but my hair is naturally curly. I can actually do a TWA if I want. Maybe I will one day!
Love it! Her style and confidence really speak to me. She has gained a new reader for sure. Thanks for introducing us Carol. Love her outfits sooo much!
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
Ahhhhh you have hit me in my two vulnerable points 🙂 🙂 follicles and style. I have double envy…
I know, she rocks, right?
Love your style, Quin!
Thanks so much for all the love!
And, there’s a lot more coming Carla. Stay tuned …
What a great way to start a Monday! Thanks for the shout out Carol! I sooo appreciate you!
I love how you highlight different issues, people, foods and everything on your blog! Love my daily reading.
Ooooh, I like her style, too. Thanks for steering me to a fun new blog!
Keep reading! I’ve got lots of looks planned for the fall!
Thanks for the introductions! I will be heading there next!
Rena, thanks for checking me out!
So glad to have been introduced to this lovely lady.
Karen, I hope you’ll come back often to see what other looks I’ve got in store!
Wonderful new blog to add to my reading list! Thank you for sharing, Carol.
Yay! I’ll be looking for you. 🙂
Quin is wonderful, and yes, I need to know about her blog! Thanks.
Thanks, Tam. I’m still blushing. 🙂
I agree: Quin has great style — hair, clothes, staging of her photos, and her writing voice. Thanks for putting Quin’s blog in my path. Sharing.
Karen, that’s awesome. Thanks for sharing.
“Me just being me.” The perfect tagline for a wonderfully stylish woman. Thx for sharing Quin’s blog – and I love her name too!
LOL, Kimba! Thanks. BTW, my mother will be thrilled to know you like my name.
Love it! Her style and confidence really speak to me. She has gained a new reader for sure. Thanks for introducing us Carol. Love her outfits sooo much!
Carolann, I hope you keep coming back and please tell everyone you know about SisterLadyGirl!
Carol, I’ve added Sister-Lady-Girl to my reading time having just subscribed to her chic blog! I got to get me that Lucky Brand tank top!
Thanks for sharing Quin with all your readers. I, for one, will be lookin’ fashionable and sassy!
Sandy, Carol rocks doesn’t she? I’m really glad our paths crossed all those years ago. She’s my SHE-RO!
Thanks for introducing us to Quin. Love her style! I’d be right behind you with the TWA – if I cut my hair short and let it go curly!
Do, it Lana! Your hair wants you to! LOL! Thanks for reading and please visit often.