Suffering from "Occupy" fatigue

June 25, 2012
What could be the most powerful movement in our country
 has squandered 
& continues to squander 
its potential 
by failing to pick one major issue 
for national focus.
The Occupy movement has accomplished nothing.

It will accomplish nothing.

Until it understands
that accomplishing something
takes focus.
Occupy movement leaders should know by now
that a movement
can not be diffuse
and actually get results.

They and their merry bands
are actually protesting nothing.
It’s crazy.

Consequently, I think we’re all suffering from
Occupy fatigue.
And frustration. 

So hey, Occupy protestors…
 if you’re not working,
you may think you have nothing better to do
with your time than protest…nothing.

You’d be wrong.
You’re accomplishing nothing.

Your time would be better spent volunteering to help
the needy, feeding the homeless or
helping teach kids to read.

Do something that really matters.

Because until this movement becomes a national effort
focused on making one big change at a time,
you’re wasting your time.

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