Summer salad with beets

May 28, 2015

20150524_115320I’m always looking for something different and simple to make for company or to contribute to a potluck. Paging through my recipe file, I found a few interesting side dishes, and they were the springboard for a great new recipe of my own. I made this delicious summer salad for a Memorial Day weekend cookout. It’s so easy! You may enjoy it, too. Quantities of everything depend on your taste, so go big or stay small. And be sure to scroll down to see some of the health benefits of beets.

Shopping list for summer salad recipe
Beets (red or gold or both. I used both)
Heirloom tomatoes (or any kind)
Red onion
Crumbled feta
Balsamic vinaigrette


  1. Boil the beets until they are tender. This can take a while, up to an hour, depending on their size.
  2. Slice the beets and slice the tomatoes.
  3. Slice the onion thinly, as much as you like.
  4. Layer on platter.
  5. Sprinkle crumbled feta over the vegetables.
  6. Drizzle the balsamic dressing on them.

Ready to eat!

Variation:  Tuck basil leaves and mint leaves in between the slices and use extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, instead of balsamic.

Little-known benefits of beets:

*  They’re nature’s Viagra, because of their high levels of boron. Boron has a direct link to the production of sex hormones.
*  They cleanse the liver, although I’m never certain what that really means.
*  Great vitamins & minerals: potassium, phosphorus, iron; vitamins A, B & C; beta-carotene, beta-cyanine; folic acid; magnesium, fiber
*  Low in calories and the high sugar content is released slowly into the bloodstream, unlike other high-sugar foods
*  They’re good for mental health because they contain high degrees of betaine, used to treat depression. They also contain tryptophan, a natural relaxant

33 comments on “Summer salad with beets
  1. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says:

    That sounds delish! I will have to try it.

  2. I love beets and your salad sound wonderful Carol!

  3. This might be the answer! I love beets, but rarely get to have them as the rest of my family is against them….for no good reason. lol Maybe I can convert them with this fresh, light salad version? If not, that’s okay…more for me! Yum!

  4. looks like all the posts i’m reading is about foods that is making me crave for one. nice post.

  5. Ruth Curran says:

    I had no idea that beets were packed with so much goodness. I used to hate beets when I thought that they were really just those awful red chunks that come out of a can and squish through your teeth when you bite into them. So glad to have discovered fresh beets.

  6. penpen says:

    I love beets and feta. Great combo. I always dreaded the mess of cooking and slicing beets myself. You seem to have taken it all in stride. I’ll have to try it.

  7. Haralee says:

    I bought beets this week and was trying to remember a good beet salad recipe. You saved my aching memory. Making it today, Thanks!

  8. Sandy says:

    I have to admit that I don’t care for beets, but this dish looks so pretty! I do however LOVE feta….it’s a favorite of mine! 🙂

  9. Jennifer says:

    Looks delish! I had no idea Beets had all those benefits. I love the idea of tucking Basil leaves into it.

  10. Sheryl says:

    Love this and all the interesting info on beets. I used to detest them; but now I love them, especially paired with feta or goat cheese.

  11. Toni McCloe says:

    I love beets – but I have to confess that I usually get them from a can. I really will have to try your recipe.

  12. Tammy says:

    Beets!!! My fav! Pickled beets are the BEST! Costco sells pickled beets in large jars. Can we say Mmmmmm?! There is nothing that beets won’t make tastier or healthier. A natural Viagra? Didn’t know that, but it explains a lot (chuckle). Love the pic AND the awesome recipe!

  13. I love beets and was just told my potassium is dangerously low. Good excuse for some binge beet eating! This salad looks good and sounds delicious.

  14. Harriet says:

    It sure does sound like I need to re-visit beets very soon. Thanks!

  15. I love beets and often use them in salads. I’m glad I have some in the fridge now, because I want to make this tonight!

  16. I LOVE beets!!! I’m on my way to green grocer anyways so I’m going to pick some up. Thanks for the inspiration Carol! YUMMY!

  17. Beets are one of my favorite ingredients thanks for sharing a fresh option =)

  18. Except for the beets, this sounds FABulous!

  19. Kathie says:

    You are fantastic!!! You take care of all our needs — even fabulous recipes!!!!

    Thanks so much!

  20. I love beets, pickled on sandwiches, and I often order salads with them when am dining out. Haven’t ever cooked them at home. Maybe now I will.

  21. Carol Graham says:

    When someone mentions beets I cringe — sorry. I think it was bad memories as a kid. I do eat them but I pickle them – does that count?

  22. Britney says:

    This is so great for summer! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Liz Mays says:

    I would love to make a salad like that. I actually really like beets!

  24. Estelle says:

    I love summer salads. This one looks yummy–and beets and feta are a winning combination.

  25. Layne says:

    I love beets, thanks for sharing another way to enjoy them!

  26. That looks amazing! I am so into beet salad lately and could eat it every day!

  27. These looks soooo easy to make, but they’ll taste amazing!

  28. So easy–I like easy recipes. And beets are one of my favorite root vegetables. That’s an impressive list of vitimins and health benefits too. Gotta try it.

  29. katrina g says:

    that looks awesome. I have started liking beets more and more latley. i will have to make this.

  30. Karen W says:

    This looks amazing. Not like anything I have ever had before, but the combo sounds very yummy.

  31. What’s summer without great salads and who can resist this healthy, delectable dish! Thanks for sharing your Summer salad with Beets recipe with us on the Plant-Based Potluck Party Blog Hop. I’m pinning and sharing.

  32. Love beets, but admit I have yet to try them with tomatoes. Looks good!

  33. Rosemond says:

    YUM, I love beets and who knew they were a natural mood and va va va voom enhancer!?

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