Summer solstice makes summer official

June 21, 2011
It’s hot. It is NEVER this hot in San Francisco.
Only when we are here in summer. Seriously.
80 degrees today and same tomorrow.
Later in the week, we’ll have highs in the low 60s.
Normal temps for SF. Can’t wait.

When our rental landlord said he’d never needed a fan
I knew he had never been a mid-life woman.
I brought my fan.

In San Jose, it is 93 and our pets and sitter are comfy with our A/C.
That’s a stark difference from our non-AC rental house in
Sunnyvale last summer when the power went out during a
heat wave. We were in Seattle; the
pets and our sitter suffered a really hot house for two days.

It’s the summer solstice–summer officially begins today at 1:16 p.m. EDT.
Solstice marks earth’s circuit of the sun.
Since the earth goes around the sun twice a year,
there are two solstices a year,
winter and summer.

Husband to me just now: Sweetheart, you do know
that the earth only goes around the sun once a year, don’t you?
Oops! Do not trust anything you read online!

It’s also the longest day of the year.
Here, it’s going to be long… and hot.

I read somewhere that cultures differ in their interpretation of the summer solstice,
but many mark it with fertility rituals.

Sounds like our ancestors believed
everything was an excuse for a fertility ritual.
So–party down!

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