Sunshine, girlfriends, temptation: follow me!

March 1, 2013
by Lisa Frances Judd
So, here I go this morning, back east to the land of sand and sunshine, 
snowbirds and lower real estate prices. 
Tampa, Florida.
It’s also the home of some of my best friends ever 
and oh, how I’m looking forward 
to spending some in-person time with them. 
Here’s the thing about girlfriends–and the men who are
just like girlfriends to me (and that’s an honor!): 
whether it’s sitting over coffee, manis and pedis, salad for lunch,
browsing cosmetics at Sephora, 
choosing candles at our favorite shop,
making dinner or just driving together, 
we’ll be talk talk talking
about all the important things in life.
Life, love, jobs, kids.
Vacations, joys, challenges.
Hearts, heartaches and heartbreaks.
God, godliness and goodness.
Trespasses and forgiveness.
And, I have no doubt, at least one of us will lead the way:
It’ll probably be me.
One comment on “Sunshine, girlfriends, temptation: follow me!
  1. Susan Cooper says:

    I so love your thoughts. I had just been thinking about this very thing. I had just written something similar to this comparing flower sand friends. Your post brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. Thank you. 🙂

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