Get ready to celebrate fall!

September 7, 2021
Why not celebrate fall with a house that's deliciously fragrant with the best smells of the season: apple cinnamon, pumpkin spice, apple cider, harvest spice...and...

How to use energy healing to go

July 1, 2019
When I prepared for recent major surgery, energy healing played a big role. As I always say, if someone had told me that would be the case even a few years ago I would...

A Healing Spirit: a resource everyone can use

January 5, 2018
I'm excited to remind you that A Healing Spirit is a resource everyone can use---because it has its own blog, with new posts several times a week. On the new blog,...

Is past life regression real?

June 8, 2017
Is past life regression real? Do you have to believe in reincarnation to have one? Having just completed a three-course, year-long graduate program in past life...

Kindness grenade

June 7, 2017
My octagenerian BFF got one of the first decks of healing affirmations, hot off the press. A few weeks later she was visiting at my house and,unsolicited, dug into her...

Missing her

May 31, 2017
So I'm missing her. I'm not going to say I took her for granted, because I never did. I'm not going to say that I didn't think there'd be a void when she left us,...

Acknowledging the human condition with a thoughtful gift

May 30, 2017
Loss and grief are part of the human condition. So is the need to heal. That's what a customer said as she ordered the sets above from my website, A Healing Spirit,...

How to make pain work FOR you

May 29, 2017
We don't like pain. Whether it's physical or psychological, it's unwelcome. Our loved ones die and we wonder how we can carry on without them. We hurt. We get sick...

Now that the barn has burned down

May 27, 2017
Now that the barn has burned down I can see the moon. ~Persian proverb We're supposed to find the blessings in the things that happen to us--even the hardest, most...

How hypnosis can help you

May 23, 2017
My own first experience with hypnosis was when I was in my early 20s and fearless. Oh, I was as much a control freak then as I am now, maybe worse, even. But still, I...

Follow Carol


Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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