Making it easy to do a random act of kindness

February 2, 2023
If you read, you know I'm into random acts of kindness and also making it easy for everyone to do them this Valentines Day for people who really could use some support....

Why do they make manifestation all about stuff?

November 2, 2021
I am a woman of strong opinions. They are particularly strong about people I believe are falsely representing, well, anything. Like manifestation. Or...

Can affirmations really make you rich?

May 1, 2018
"How much will we have left?" asked Bobby Axelrod's wife on the Showtime series, Billions. "300 mil," he said. She looked aghast.   "We can't live on that!" Later...

NEW! online affirmation subscriptions

October 31, 2017
Transforming Grief and Healing Affirmation decks now also available HERE as online subscriptions. Here's what the online cards look like: Conveniently delivered to...

My gift to you

October 30, 2017
Can a blog be a gift? It can. Life's universals First, let's agree that healing and grieving are part of the human condition. No escape; we will all go through these...

Don’t call it a fortune cookie

September 14, 2017
Don't call it a fortune cookie. Call it a plan.   I was talking to one of my favorite friends last month about A Healing Spirit affirmations. "I use affirmations...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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