India: country of contrasts

November 26, 2013
Ok. In presenting the unvarnished India, I’ve scared you to death, I know, at least some of you. And if you said I was being all negative, well, that’s a fair...

India: Jaw-dropping Kama Sutra carvings

November 25, 2013
  Oh, those fun-loving Hindus! They carried the concept of "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" to a whole new level. Yes, you're...

India: a jumble of memories as we say goodbye

November 24, 2013
I'm writing this in Varanasi a few days before we leave, and as happy as I am to come home, I know I'm going to cry when we go. This has been the most powerful...

Indian Railways: an experience (not) to be missed if at all...

November 23, 2013
The best piece of advice I got before I left was from a woman at the gym who has been to India three times: "Bring a face mask and latex gloves, especially if you'll be...

India: the bus bazaar

November 22, 2013
Can't go anywhere in India without being swarmed by street vendors selling junk. They're aggressive, too, and they sell every tourist knick-knack you can think of:...

India: a princess in the wilderness

November 21, 2013
 Pashan Garh Lodge features clusters of stone cottages huddled atop a small hill, offering spectacular views over the forest and a large nearby waterhole where...

India: arranging a marriage

November 20, 2013
  We were walking around the ruins of yet another major palace, this one huge, in Agra, with a local guide, engaged to help our regular tour guide.  (By the...

The flavor of India

November 19, 2013
Remember how Maggie Smith came to India for orthopedic surgery in the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel?  Maybe this was her surgeon. Speaking of marigolds, we're told they...

Taj Mahal: iconic monument to love

November 18, 2013
When the turbaned bellman ushered us into our hotel room I glanced out the back door to our patio and saw…the Taj Mahal. “Seriously?!!!” I said, to no one in...

Service, shaving & what we can learn from India

November 17, 2013
We're a self-service country, so it's interesting to see that in India, people engage others to do such daily tasks as laundry (see my post on the huge outdoor laundry...

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