Art love on Canyon Road

November 2, 2015
As our trip draws to a close I'm considering what I'll remember most. It's the light.  The light is what drew Georgia O'Keefe to this part of New Mexico and it's what...

Makeup trends: what’s old is new again

July 12, 2015
I love the fashion and beauty industries. There really is very little new in either, just a recycling of old fashion and makeup trends that were once fresh and new. So I...

The hissing of summer lawns

July 11, 2015
It's only 8am but the sun beats down hard from a deep blue sky, belying the thermometer, which reads 67 degrees. We're walking Riley before the heat of the day takes...

Bathing beauties of the past

May 17, 2015
It's summer and bathing beauties are enjoying a dip in the San Francisco Bay area. These are circa 1937 WPA murals at the Beach Chalet in San Francisco and they depict...

Marilyn. Just Marilyn.

December 6, 2014
Well before "celebrities" adopted the conceit of using only a single name, one need only say "Marilyn" and the world knew the reference was to Marilyn Monroe.  Because...

Christmas activities for kids

December 5, 2014
Kids with no school and lots of time on their hands need some fun things to do during holiday break, especially if they live in a part of the country that is prone to...

10 ways to make gifts special

December 2, 2014
Sometimes, the tiniest twist to a common gift can elevate a common gift to something special.  Here are 10 ways to make gifts special with practical but fun touches the...

Best New Age gift idea I’ve seen

November 6, 2014
I love giving gifts. The process of choosing just the right thing for my loved ones is one of my greatest pleasures.  For me, it's not a materialistic thing, it's a...

Great knockers of Sicily

October 19, 2014
Just so there's no misunderstanding as to what I mean. Isn't it amazing? I wonder how old it is. These are works of art, to me, anyway. I wish they came with...

Smaller is not always better

August 21, 2014
BIGGER? BETTER. There are some times bigger is just better. Smaller is not always better. Regardless of what some want to believe. Phone calendar. There was a day...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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