BlogHer ’14: the backstory

July 28, 2014
The Scene Thousands of women. Annual BlogHer Conference.  San Jose, CA.  July 24-26. Weather: in the 90s, feels like 104.   I COULD write about the BlogHer...

Obama discussed women’s issues at BlogHer ’12

August 3, 2012
President Obama opening BlogHer '12 in NYC via internet feed It was overwhelming, really, that President Barack Obama officially opened our conference yesterday,...

A walk in midtown NYC

August 1, 2012
It was partly cloudy, yesterday, but still humid enough to curl hair that was straight when I walked out the front door into the cacophony that is midtown New York...

Hot town, summer in the city

July 30, 2012
Off this morning for New York City because it's that time again: BlogHer '12 starts Thursday and my extra suitcase space is just waiting for all that swag! And as...

Looking back, aging + …skin care? Yes.

August 26, 2011
Here's a little side trip; back to the Memory Lane series tomorrow and if you haven't, see post from earlier today. As I look back on the tales I'm blogging about...

I will not be afraid of women

August 15, 2011
Our job is not to make young women grateful, but to make them ungrateful so they keep going. Gratitude never radicalized anybody. - Susan B. Anthony. Have we come a...

Falling prey to the temptation of swag

August 15, 2011
We women love our swag. We do. Free stuff is irresistible, whether we're regular girls at a convention or Hollywood movies stars at a premiere. A corner of my conference...

Meeting planning done right: BlogHer11

August 11, 2011
That's Ricki Lake in the white shirt. BlogHer'11 closing session. Lisa Stone, on left, is a BlogHer cofounder. Next to her, Fatemeh Fakharaie, who founded Muslimeh...

A Good Hard Look is much more than just a good summer read

August 10, 2011
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it. -Flannery O'Connor Small town life. Two couples. Peacocks. Romance. Intrigue. An affair. Then add...

Nienie on beauty: up close & personal

August 9, 2011
Beauty and body image are big topics today. Cosmetic surgery, fillers, injectables and a wide variety of skin potions, body padding, Spanx and cosmetics testify to...

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