How to get your grown kid to leave home

October 8, 2015
Ok, parents, this one's for you.  Well, it's for you if any of these questions resonate: Is your grown child over age 21 still living at home, even though he or she...

Accepting what is

June 19, 2015
Accepting life.  That means accepting what it is and what it will never be.  Today, a strange but fitting mash-up of Mad Men, Keith Haring and what I know to be true...

Not my problem

April 20, 2015
I like to think I'm pretty evolved at this age, but then again, things happen that remind me I'm still a work in progress and I'm likely to still be a work in progress...

No is a complete sentence.

April 3, 2015
Maybe it's the myth of the Superwoman that makes it so hard for some women to say "no." Or the need to be a "nice girl." Or maybe it's the feeling we ought to be doing...

Turning over a new leaf in spring

March 23, 2015
Spring is here. Ok, well, it's been here a while (thank you, climate change) and some of the plants are a little confused. Apricots are already coming out on our...

Making Valentine’s Day a true day of love

February 12, 2015
  Remember what it felt like to NOT have a Valentine? Thought so. I'm starting a movement to make Valentine's Day a true day of love..instead of a day for true...

Are you too busy to get to the business of life?

February 7, 2015
By the time you get to midlife, life gets kind of...cluttered. If you've got kids there's all the associated duties--school activities if they're still younger,...

Losing our independence

January 29, 2015
It wasn't so long ago that if I'd heard the words "losing our..." I'd finish the sentence with "religion!" as in the REM song. Remember that? But nowadays "losing...

Not good enough? Seriously?

January 15, 2015
Are you doing enough? Chances are the answer is yes. But there's a disturbing trend I keep seeing: social media articles and blog posts that exhort Baby Boomers to do...

First steps, baby steps

January 2, 2015
This is not my Fitbit Dashboard. In fact, mine has never had a number that high that because it doesn't give credit for the things I spend most of my time doing. Unless...

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