Beam me up to a good mass transit system

July 4, 2013
I wrote this months ago, before BART went on strike. BART is a "rapid transit" train that many people in the San Francisco Bay area take to work. But not near enough,...

Newcomer’s guide to California

March 20, 2013
People keep asking me about things in Southern California, as if I'd know. The truth is, I've been to southern California only a few times. Less than a dozen, actually,...

Big Sur soothes, softens, surprises

January 23, 2013
Big Sur isn't everyone's cup of tea. Are you surprised? It's in the middle of nowhere, around miles of winding curves. There's a sheer drop off to the...

A pre-Christmas stroll through San Francisco

December 1, 2012
San Francisco's about an hour north,  and I go so often my car practically drives itself. Actually, coming home from the city last month we were  briefly...


September 2, 2012
Nepenthe, Big Sur, May...

Scenes from the Gold Country

June 14, 2012
Not your typical banking lawyer. Hubby's worn these to client meetings and last week, gold mining. Maybe those two activities are the same thing? But this goes...

Samba with me to the sea

June 13, 2012
Anthropologie Northern Californians head to the sun and surfabout this time of year. In my neck of the woods, the nearest beach is Santa Cruz. Getting there...

Panning for gold in the California Gold Country

June 11, 2012
California's Gold Rush history is well known, and thanks to all the gold mining realityTV shows, there's a new Gold Rush afoot. Well, not really. But kind of. Anyway, we...

Panning for Gold in California

June 7, 2012
As you read this, we are in the California gold country doing this:  ---->>>Why, you might ask, would we pan for gold in the heat that is early June in the...

A work of art. Or a piece of work. Unsure which.

April 9, 2012
There are some museum exhibitions most straight guys just don't want to see and in recognition of this, I made plans to see a couple of more girly offerings with a...

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