The world is black or white–or is it?

March 9, 2014
  It always brings me up short when I encounter people who see the world as black or white. The dividing line for them is sharply defined. Nothing in between. Funny --...

Secret flagellation societies in northern New Mexico

November 13, 2013
Secret religious societies are a mystery to me. "Secret" as in those with rituals and memberships they don't disclose publicly. For example, I really don't "get" the...

Pope Francis: a breath of fresh air for Catholicism

October 11, 2013
Veiled and dressed in white crinoline, my hands folded devoutly in front of me, I did the rituals of First Holy Communion and Confirmation just like every other good...

Lighting candles in Santa Fe

October 5, 2013
When I saw this at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe its simplicity reminded of early Christians, for some reason. I'll take  simplicity...

Spiritual inflation

July 26, 2011
You think gas prices are bad?Prayer's no longer a bargain, either. These used to be 25 cents and $1. A Catholic church in San...

Amulets, charms & totems: no such thing as too many ble...

June 2, 2011
We Catholics love our talismans. Antique French holy card Contemporary holy card. Yes, indistinguishable from the antique, except for the bar code.God &...

Catholic girls start much too late…

July 20, 2010
Although I am Catholic, I did not go to Catholic school. My parents thought we'd get a better education in our suburban public school.But some of my best girlfriends did...

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