How to find the truth (in any situation)

September 17, 2019
The famous Occam's Razor says that the simplest explanation is usually the best. And maybe back in the 1300s when Occam was alive, that was true. Sometimes, it can be,...

Welcome to my brain: about UFOs

May 18, 2016
I don't like small talk.  When I found myself sitting next to a retired fighter jet pilot at lunch in Portugal I peppered him with questions about his time at West...

Conspiracy theories, common sense and craziness

September 27, 2012
I've had this button for 20+ years and the opinion for longer. The career I retired from, the one I did for 30+ years, had a lot to do with spin. With manipulation...

A mountain of evidence, where there should be none

January 13, 2011
As I said yesterday, I stand with groups of very educated, credible architects, engineers, pilots and scholars, who believe that the result of the official 9/11...

Things are not always what they seem

January 13, 2011
It's time for a distraction. A different conspiracy theory and a chance to think I'm a complete nut-job. You didn't think I could be fluffy all the time, did you?Are you...

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