Santa Fe writing workshop: seats left!

August 5, 2015
Imagine a small group of writers and bloggers walking in the crisp and spicy air of a Santa Fe, New Mexico fall day. We've just spent some "classroom" time talking...

Summer salad with beets

May 28, 2015
I'm always looking for something different and simple to make for company or to contribute to a potluck. Paging through my recipe file, I found a few interesting side...

Fresh fruit recipes for summer

July 19, 2014
Mid-summer's the time when we're looking for fresh recipes using the abundant harvest we see at the market. Tasty summer fruit recipes. Easy summer salads. Healthy...

Easy, healthy lemon chicken

May 5, 2014
Walking Riley the other day, I caught a glimpse of one of our lemon trees, heavy with fruit. Oh, the taste of a lemon right off the tree!  I asked M to pick a few and...

Easy, healthy stuffed chicken breasts

April 10, 2014
Wondering what to make for dinner tonight?  I know--who wants to slave over a hot stove all night? Certainly not I. But. There are more simple, good-for-you main...

Roosting roosters + vegetarianism

March 10, 2014
So, girlfriend & I were wandering around Tampa's Ybor City in January, heading for a movie, when we came across these beauties. They were just pecking on some...

Nutritious, delicious eggplant pasta: a Sicilian staple

September 27, 2013
Eggplant parmesan or any dish including eggplant was one of the most eagerly anticipated meals in our old-school Sicilian household. The preparation of the eggplant...

Random pleasures

September 20, 2013
One of life's great thrills is wandering around and discovering random pleasures, some guilty and some not so much. Grocery store items I wish I hadn't noticed. So one...

How to safely barbecue

September 13, 2013
My husband's always taken his lack of barbecuing skills as a badge of courage. Despite a long lifetime in Florida, he never had a barbecue grill and never cooked...

Easy, low carb chicken-avocado main dish

September 9, 2013
Easy, low-carbohydrate main dishes are still popular. Diet fads come and go, but carbs are still the bad boys of the food pyramid. So when I found this easy, delicious...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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