Fearless Friday: courage & caution

July 29, 2011
Courage by Nancie Zivetz Gertler The brave may not live forever,but the cautious do not live at...

Pushing past fear

July 25, 2011
Every Saturday morning since mid-May, I've packed up my turquoise leather tote with laptop, notebook, pens, highlighter and notes and taken the hour-long drive up to San...

Ready, set, go: Fearless Friday

July 15, 2011
There's a starting line and a finish line.Don't let fear keep you from either.Feel the fear and do it...

Life’s too mysterious to take seriously

June 8, 2011
I laughed like crazy last week. With deep appreciation of the absurdities of life. Because life is the funniest and funnest thing of all. It feels good to laugh hard, so...

Be willing … or stay stuck

June 3, 2011
It sounds so simple, doesn't it?Yet, I know people who have gone their entire lives withoutwilling to be willing.Sure does limit them.A young person I know is stuck in...

Take comfort in the peace of wild things

March 18, 2011
It's a crazy world with lots to fear, but it's probably no crazier and more fearsome than it was when we were growing up.Even though we mythologize childhood in the...

Playing: not just for kids

January 28, 2011
A few years ago I took a dance class called Nia. It was offered at the gym I belonged to and was held in a room that had a wall of windows.Part of our routine was...

The non-traditional weapons of passion & laughter

November 30, 2010
This is what you shall do. Be loyal to what you love, be true to the Earth, and fight your enemies with passion and laughter.-Edward AbbeyEnemies. I don't even like...

String around the finger’s no longer enough

November 15, 2010
Remember the SAT? {I know. A long time ago. But try.}One of the quantitative sections showed a flattened box with dotted lines. The instructions were something like: If...

Parenting & the threat of drugs

November 8, 2010
You've probably noticed that I'm pretty flippant about marijuana. It's because I believe it's generally harmless, and certainly far less problematic for society than...

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