What you need to know before you book that cruise: a Viking...

July 19, 2023
So I'll admit it: we are fans of Viking cruises. We think they're the best deal around for the highest quality cruise experience. And this Viking cruise review...

5 reasons you should take a cruise for your next vacation

January 27, 2020
I wasn't always a cruiser. Oh, I went to Alaska in 2002 with a girlfriend on a big cruise ship with a couple thousand passengers. I didn't dislike it but I didn't fall...

How to enjoy Portugal in the rain

May 23, 2016
After two weeks touring Europe about 25 years ago and spending huge amounts of time viewing pre-medieval paintings in Florence and elsewhere I vowed that I would never...

Cruising Portugal’s beautiful Douro River

May 2, 2016
We are on our way to Portugal this afternoon to cruise the beautiful Douro River. Friends left yesterday on a different flight and we'll meet them tomorrow night in...

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