Recipe for Valentine sweets for your sweethearts.

February 6, 2013
Getting ready for Valentine's Day?  It's not too soon to plan a Valentine's Day surprise. I think cupcakes are the perfect way to celebrate,  and not just for...

Too pretty to eat

November 7, 2010
Precious. I saw this just after finding an empty bird's nest that had fallen out of a tree into our hedge. A cute, clever idea, especially for spring.Yes, I know it...

Winning cupcakes for a winning day

November 2, 2010
A couple of years ago, these adorable confections won a "cutest cupcake" contest held by Martha Stewart, and I can see...

San Francisco Giants-mania

October 29, 2010
If you're a Giants fan, and who isn't, today, then surely you'll want to celebrate last night's game. Wasn't it a rush to watch them rack up the runs on the scoreboard?...

Baby shoes. Yes.

October 28, 2010
Wouldn't these be a huge hit with a new mom or at a baby shower?They're so adorable I could eat them up. Right this very minute.The color's scrumptious and the shoes...

Fall-winter activity for kids

October 26, 2010
I love this goofy dog cupcake, which I'm posting today in honor of Dino. {Scroll to yesterday's blog entry for more on Dino.}And I especially like that it would be so...

Cupcake of the day ~ Halloween fun, easy for kids

October 25, 2010
So, so easy for kids to make. Fun activity for this...

Cupcake of the day ~ marriage proposal

October 24, 2010
Ok, THIS would be a proposal. Messy... but so creatively...

Cupcake of the day ~ poetry

October 23, 2010
It just seemed the right thing...

Cupcakes of the day: soccer moms

October 21, 2010
Aren't these a scream? Posted in honor of Betty Draper, the most interesting NON-soccer mom on...

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