Un-reality check as a sleep inducer

January 30, 2024
I don't take sleeping pills. So when I can't sleep, I try to find something mindless to send me off to Dreamland and it's usually the women on un-reality show, The...

How about some streaming show recommendations?

July 11, 2023
Streaming is one of the best things ever, in my opinion. There's a much broader range of viewing options than ever before, and I take advantage of as much of it as I...

Would you bet it all on blonde?

July 2, 2023
Madly searching for something to get me to sleep as I rocked and rolled on the choppy Arctic Sea, Erika Girardi of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills came to mind. I...

Vulgarity is not comedy

January 25, 2016
Comics reached a new low at the Golden Globes the other week when comic actress Amy Schumer told the viewing public in a televised interview that her vagina itched. I...

The magic of invisibility

January 22, 2016
“I don’t know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower.”        ...

Little girl lost

July 27, 2015
    She never stood a chance, little girl lost, daughter of the late Whitney Houston, gone now at only 22 years of age. Bobbi Kristina never stood a...

I’ve joined the Astronaut Wives Club

July 26, 2015
I was 10 years old when we went into space for the first time and I remember it like it was yesterday. The excitement.  The anxiety at Alan Shephard's welfare. The...

Things I’m sick of hearing about

July 24, 2015
Donald Trump Deprive a fire of oxygen and it will be snuffed out. Deprive the the bombastic Donald Trump of media coverage and he will disappear into oblivion. Which...

Cruising Weirdtown, USA

July 3, 2015
Sometimes, zooming around town hither and yon, I see interesting things. Weird stuff. You probably do, too. The best thing about smartphones is that a camera is always...

Nothing stays the same

May 20, 2015
Nothing stays the same, and sometimes, that makes us sad.  In that vein, we said goodbye this week to a series that was almost universally loved for its pitch-perfect...

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