Sunday Bible study: an eye for an eye

November 6, 2011
The government killing people is flat...

Every religion has strange beliefs…

October 24, 2011
....that's why it's called...

In a crazy world, it’s good to remember:

October 21, 2011
Well, this is damn sure a...

Spiritual inflation

July 26, 2011
You think gas prices are bad?Prayer's no longer a bargain, either. These used to be 25 cents and $1. A Catholic church in San...

Live consciously

July 14, 2011
Influence by Chidi Okoye One of his students asked Buddha, "Are you the messiah?" "No", answered Buddha. "Then are you a healer?"...

Truth & fact

June 5, 2011
The truth is more important than the facts.- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)This is the fundamental difference between memoir and autobiography.A memoir has a point of...

Amulets, charms & totems: no such thing as too many ble...

June 2, 2011
We Catholics love our talismans. Antique French holy card Contemporary holy card. Yes, indistinguishable from the antique, except for the bar code.God &...

Demonstrations of faith

May 24, 2011
Most of us never doubted that we'd allstill be here on May 22. But the guy who did the Biblical math says he's"flabbergasted" that we are.I guess that's why they call...

What Easter teaches us

April 24, 2011
Here's what Easter teaches us:That nothing comes easy. There's a sacrifice, big or small, for everything achieved in life, and sometimes we have to die to old ways in...

Easter egg hunts, hats & bunnies: where’d it all ...

April 21, 2011
Almost here. Are you ready? Despite the religious significance of Easter in the Christian world, our Easter traditions are quite secular. And there's some interesting...

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